bio page info

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Max. file size: 100 MB.
Max. file size: 100 MB.
Law Enforcement Experience

Good Examples

Please try to take picutres where you are in a shirt vs just a hat. If all you have is a hat then send it over and we will update it later once we get you a shirt.

If you have it done at a trade show then take off your badge for the main picture.

Cody Bennett
media 1665101558366 Oct 6 2022 5 12 PM
Screen Shot 2022 02 01 at 10.36.10 PM

Why work with us?

Professional measuring and installation

Expert anchoring to all frames

Application to existing windows done in hours/days not weeks/months

Security walk-through by law enforcement professionals who help identify locations for security measures

Glass laminate available in a variety of thickness, break strength & tensile strength

Certified secure by 3rd parties